logo for Wollemi Farms

Wollemi Farms is focused on utilising leading regenerative farming practices in horticulture assets. Their focus is to maximise both sustainability and financial outcomes on farm.

Wollemi Farms will produce avocados, tree nuts, stone fruit and citrus in any given year and owns assets across the eastern seaboard of Australia.

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About Us

Wollemi Farms was established in 2021 when the Dutch asset management company Kempen Capital Management partnered with Gunn Agri Partners.

The synergies between Kempen and Gunn Agri Partner’s approach to regenerative farming made the partnership a natural fit.

Gunn Agri Partners is the Australian farmland manager with over 2.5 million acres of agriculture assets under management.

    Wollemi Farms manage horticulture assets across Australia with a clear and measurable focus on impact and regenerative farming practices.

    Our Locations

    Wollemi Farms owns and targets assets in the following regions:
    • Northern Rivers of NSW
    • Bundaberg Region of QLD
    • Southern QLD
    • Southern Murray Darling Basin
    • Northern Tasmania

    Work With Us

    There are currently no vacant positions available in Wollemi Farms operating entities.

    If you have any careers based questions about Wollemi Farms please contact careers@gunnagri.com

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